
Monday, March 18, 2013

Book review 2013

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry as I rarely respond to your questions or comments as I'm not always on my blog..I have most of my posts scheduled according to the date and time I intended..So when you see a new post from me, it's not that I'm online and ignore your questions..I'll try my best to attend to all of those enquiries ASAP..

So what I to share with all of you this time around are just some simple bookmarks for the book review session at my university..

It is an annual activity where we will have an individual to review a book that he/she had read..

And every reviewer will get this bookmark as a token of appreciation..

With my signature bee to complement the saying - "Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind - James Russell Lowell"..

So guys..Don't stop reading..

P/S: Haven't bought myself a new camera..The camcorder is not helping either..And that's why the pictures look like they surface from the Wonderland (^__^)


  1. very nice bookmarks and what a neat idea !!!!!

  2. I have been following you since long but have created a blog recently. You are on my Favorite Blogger list. I find your work inspiring and am grateful for your generosity in sharing your skills and ideas.
    I have started a new blog http://kalasirjana.blogspot.in/, do visit whenever you have some time. I would be so happy if you join in. I hope to keep you interested in my work :)

    Happy Crafting!!
