
Friday, February 10, 2012


When I've finished this card, it reminds me of one of the local songs entitled Bunga-bunga Cinta (literally translated as flowers of love)..

I guess it's because the (inner) petals somehow resemble the heart shape..
Or it's just my imagination..Haha..

A bit untidy if you notice..Huhuhuhu..

Thought of doing some leaves at first, but ended up having this instead (^__^)


  1. Wow!!!beautiful and creative!!
    Nati from Brazil

  2. Such a beautiful card. I adore it. Love the color combination. Your design is perfect!
    hugs XO ~Molly

    (thank you for stopping by, I don't have an email for you)

  3. Thanks everyone..Appreciate all thoughtful comments..

  4. Hi Syaz,
    The flowers are lovely, please share a tutorial.
    Would love to try it.
    Keep Posting!!!

  5. I'm in the middle of doing my dissertation..Doing a tutorial may take time as it involves a lot of processes..Will get back to you later..But at the mean time, you can try on your own..Hope this tip helps..The petals was made from 3 part - The (orange) 1 in d middle is just s simple swirl, attached to d white one (as you can see in the picture..Then you just put them in the outer loop to create such effect..Hope that helps..
